The health effects of alcohol have many aspects. including symptoms that occur shortly after,such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and being unable to balance. There was an accident. To the long-term health effects regularly, such as problems with the digestive system, liver, pancreas, heart, brain, reproductive system, mental state, and overall quality of life.
Many people understand that drinking small amounts of alcohol or drinking no more than the recommended Standard Drink per day will not have any negative effects on health. But in fact, No matter how much you drink, it can be harmful to your health. If you drink a large amount and drink regularly, the sooner it will have negative effects on your health. and more violent This may increase the risk of chronic disease and death.

The harm of drinking alcohol to the internal organs of the body in terms of health is the main cause of death. both short-term and cumulative negative effects If you drink alcohol continuously for a long period of time (alcohol addiction), it will definitely affect the memory system, nervous system, blood system, blood pressure, and directly affect the organ in the body, namely the “liver”. The dangers of alcoholic beverages It also affects the brain more severely if drunk at an early age.
Regularly drinking large amounts of alcohol. This will make your body accustomed to the amount of alcohol, and wanting to drink more and more. Which may lead to alcohol addiction and alcoholism Until unable to stop drinking If you stop drinking suddenly, Alcohol Withdrawal, which can be life-threatening.
This is despite UFABET recommendations to limit alcohol consumption to no more than 1 standard drink per day for women and 2 standard drinks per day for men. But the harm of alcohol can occur from the moment you start drinking. You should avoid drinking on an empty stomach, drink it slowly, without drinking. With caffeinated drinks or medicine , and drink lots of water, including Do not drive a vehicle after drinking. To reduce the risk of adverse health effects and accidents after drinking alcohol.
How various organs of the body are affects by drinking.
Effects on the heart: It has been drinking large quantities can cause heart muscle abnormalities. Makes the heart muscle weak It is easy to cause a heart attack.
Effects on the liver: It has been found that drinking can cause liver cirrhosis. The liver that is damag by alcohol will not be able to perform necessary functions. Whether it be the process of breaking down various nutrients. Or changes in the medicines taken Some people may have jaundice and yellow eyes. Often vomits blood
Effects on the facial skin: Alcohol causes blood vessels to expand. The surface of the face will be seen as red. This has the effect of causing the body to lose some heat from the facial surface. Sometimes causing chills to the point of shivering. Or it is easy to get pneumonia in the winter.
Effects on the brain: Some people believe that drinking a little alcohol will stimulate the brain to be active, but the truth is that this is not the case. Alcohol has a depressing effect on brain function. If you drink a lot, it will cause memory loss. Inappropriate decision Concentration is lost, anger is easily lost, speech becomes slower. Blurry vision and loss of balance
Effects on the stomach: It causes immediate stomach inflammation after drinking large quantities, which can sometimes cause gastric bleeding.