The doctor himself warned about 6 eating behaviors that you have to be careful of.

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Warning from doctors reveals 6 eating behaviors that need to be watched out for. If you continue to eat like this, you risk “cancer”.

The ETtoday website reported that Dr. Huang Xuan. A specialist in serious diseases, posted a warning on social media, stating that fast-paced lifestyles and changing eating habits have caused people in the present era to face more health risks from food. Especially “cancer”, which is one of the major dangers. He also analyzed 6 popular eating behaviors that may significantly increase the risk of cancer, but are often overlooked.

6 eating behaviors

6 Eating Behaviors That May Increase Your Risk of Cancer

1. Consuming too much processed food

First, Dr. Huang Xuan pointed out that consuming too much processed food is harmful. Because it contains high amounts of salt, sugar, สมัคร ufabet and additives. If eaten continuously in the long term, it may stimulate inflammation and increase free radicals. Which are risk factors for cancer. In particular, processed meat has been clearly linked to colon cancer from several studies. In this regard, data analysis found that eating more than 50 grams of processed meat per day may increase the risk of colon cancer by 18%.

2.  Eating too much red meat

Eating too much red meat is also risky. Doctor Huang Xuan revealed that consuming more than 100 grams of red meat per day may increase the risk of colon cancer by 17%. This is because red meat contains nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). That are produced from cooking processes such as grilling or frying. Nitrosamines may be converted to carcinogens in the stomach acid or high heat, while PAHs. Which are formed during grilling or frying, may induce gene mutations and directly increase the risk of cancer.

3.  Not eating enough vegetables, fruits and grains.

Lack of dietary fiber increases the risk of colon cancer! Dr. Huang Xuan explains that not eating enough vegetables, fruits, and grains can disrupt the balance of microorganisms in the intestines. Weakening the intestinal defense system and increasing the risk of colon cancer.

A Korean study found that men who consumed the most vegetables had a 23% lower chance of developing colon cancer than those who consumed the least. The U.S. Cancer Research Institute also found that consuming 80 grams of whole grains a day reduced the risk of colon cancer by 17%.

4.  Continuous consumption of high sugar

Eating too much sweets is dangerous. Dr. Huang Xuan warns that continuous high sugar consumption can lead to obesity and insulin resistance. Which are linked to breast and pancreatic cancer.

5. Eating irregularly

Eating irregularly or eating until you are too full increases your risk of cancer. Dr. Huang Xuan explains that eating irregularly can cause abnormal metabolism. Resulting in decreased insulin sensitivity, fluctuating blood sugar, and increased fat storage. This not only increases the risk of obesity and diabetes, but is also linked to several types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

In addition, eating too much or eating too fast also increases the risk of several types of cancer. Doctor Huang Xuan warns that eating too much food in a short period of time can cause obesity and metabolic disorders. Research has shown that obesity is linked to several types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer. In addition, eating too fast or eating mindlessly also increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

6. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol is more dangerous than you think. Dr. Huang Xuan pointed out that drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of 6 types of cancer, such as head and neck cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer, as well as more than 200 other diseases. According to 2019 data, 5.4% of cancer patients in the United States are caused by drinking alcohol. At the same time, other research also revealed that drinking a lot of alcohol during adolescence can increase the risk of colon cancer before the age of 50 by 150%.

Reduce your cancer risk by eating mindfully. 

Dr. Huang Xuan recommends that eating a healthy diet is an important factor in reducing the risk of cancer. You should eat more vegetables, fruits and grains, add healthy fats, drink enough water, increase your intake of microorganisms and fermented foods, be mindful of the timing and order of eating, and maintain a healthy weight.

In addition, it is important to avoid processed and red meat, limit your intake of sugar and high-calorie foods, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and reduce your intake of sweetened beverages and salty foods to significantly improve your health and reduce your cancer risk.